Daily Birthdays and Events in Sci-Fi, Comics and related areas

December 1, 2011

Fiction House Comics, Stardust the Super Wizard, Fantomah, Jimbo's Inferno, The Cage.

It's not that often that an artist for Fiction House in the 40's has a birthday that I can make note of. Today is the late Fletcher Hanks birthday. My love of Fiction House comics and their covers is not that well known, until now.

Enjoy !!!


Fletcher Hanks 1887, cartoonist, Hanks was active in comics from a period of 1939 to 1941 (though as early as 1911 he described himself as a cartoonist), writing and drawing stories for Fiction House and Fox Features Syndicate. His creations include Stardust the Super Wizard, Tabu the Wizard of the Jungle, and Fantomah (one of the first female superheroes, predating Wonder Woman).
Gary Panter 1950, illustrator, painter, designer and part-time musician. Panter has published his work in various magazines and newspapers, including Raw, Time and Rolling Stone magazine. He has exhibited widely, and won three Emmy awards for his set designs for Pee-Wee's Playhouse. His most notable works include Jimbo, Adventures in Paradise, Jimbo's Inferno and Facetasm, which was created together with Charles Burns.


1964, Third shooting day of TOS: "The Cage".
1967, Star Trek:TOS, "Friday's Child" airs.
1967, Prison scenes are filmed for TOS: "Patterns of Force".
1973, Star Trek:TAS, "The Ambergris Element" airs.
1999, Star Trek:Voyager, "Pathfinder" airs.

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