Daily Birthdays and Events in Sci-Fi, Comics and related areas

December 24, 2011

Flash Gordon, The Phantom, Captain America, Adv. of Captain Marvel, UFO, Planetfall, War of the Worlds, Strange World, Hawkworld.

Since there are no events today I think you should look over the birthdays. There are some pretty cool people who have made sci-fi better with their roles.

Enjoy !!!


John Bagni 1910, actor, Hawkman Throne Room Guard - Flash Gordon (1936/I)[Chs. 5-9], Gray, Pick-up Thug - Mysterious Doctor Satan (1940)[Chs. 14-15], Henchman Cowan - Adventures of Captain Marvel (1941)[Ch. 2-10], Pete, Heavy - Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc. (1941)[Chs. 13-14], Moku - The Phantom (1943), Henchman Monk - Captain America (1944), Native - Cobra Woman (1944).
John Levene 1941, actor, SS Guard - Adam Adamant Lives! (1 episode, "A Sinister Sort of Service", 1967), Interceptor Pilot - UFO (1 episode, "Close Up", 1970), Sergeant Benton / RSM Benton (73 episodes, 1967-1975), Angry Videophone Alien - Planetfall (2005) (voice), Communications Captain - Automatons (2006).
Neil C. Vipond 1929, actor, Reverend - War of the Worlds (1 episode, "A Multitude of Idols", 1988), Darok - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1 episode, "Once More Unto the Breach", 1998), Kleg, Flying Instructor - Star Trek: Voyager (1 episode, "Natural Law", 2001).
Timothy Carhart 1953, actor, Mac Elroy - Quantum Leap (1 episode, "Nuclear Family - October 26, 1962", 1991), Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Hobson - Star Trek: The Next Generation (1 episode, "Redemption II", 1991), Virgil Incanto - The X-Files (1 episode, "2Shy", 1995), Dr. Earl Rayder - Strange World (1 episode, "Spirit Falls", 1999), Phillip MacIntosh - The Twilight Zone (1 episode, "Upgrade", 2002).
Tim Harkins 1958, comic book letter artist, Since his start in the industry in the early 1980s, he has lettered hundreds of books for a variety of publishers. He started with long runs on Airboy and Scout, both for Eclipse Comics. In the late 1980s, he began working for Dark Horse and DC Comics, beginning runs on Hawkworld, Action Comics, and Batman. During this time, he also worked on the tail end of the first TOS series.


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