Daily Birthdays and Events in Sci-Fi, Comics and related areas

November 27, 2011

Batman & Robin, Witchblade, The Cage, Doctor Who, landing party jackets, Babylon 5.

Quite a few will remember the episodes of the various Star Trek shows that aired for the first time on this date.

Enjoy !!!


Whitney Ellsworth 1908, comic book editor, and sometime writer and artist for DC Comics, Ellsworth was also the first writer on the Batman & Robin newspaper strip, which appeared first on Sundays and later on weekdays.
Stjepan Sejic 1981, comic book artist, currently working as an illustrator for American comic book Witchblade, published by Top Cow Productions.


1964, First shooting day of TOS: "The Cage". The first ever scene of Star Trek (Captain Pike sharing a glass of martini with Doctor Boyce in his quarters) is filmed today.
1983, Dr. Who, one-part serial "The Five Doctors" airs.
1985, Design patent for landing party jackets is issued.
1993, Star Trek:TNG, "Parallels" airs.
1995, Babylon 5 Episode 48 - "Passing Through Gethsemane" first aired
1995, Star Trek:DS9, "Our Man Bashir" airs.
1995, Star Trek:VOY: "Resistance" airs.
1996, Star Trek:Voyager, "The Q and the Grey" airs.
2002, Star Trek:Enterprise, "Vanishing Point" airs.

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