Daily Birthdays and Events in Sci-Fi, Comics and related areas

November 9, 2011

Blondie, Superman, Spider-Man, Speed Racer, Masters of the Universe, Master Tom, Felix the Cat, Kirk and the Gorn, Sesame Street.

On this day in 1970 this is what a lot of us heard being sung:

Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet

Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame Street

Come and play
Everything's A-OK
Friendly neighbors there
That's where we meet

Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street

It's a magic carpet ride
Every door will open wide
To Happy people like you--
Happy people like
What a beautiful

Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet

Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame street...

How to get to Sesame Street

Now that you've got the tune in your head .... enjoy !!!


Stan Drake 1921, cartoonist best known as the founding artist of the comic strip The Heart of Juliet Jones, and as a successor artist on Blondie.
Mort Todd 1961, writer, artist, editor, As a writer, artist or editor, Todd has worked at just about every comic book company, contributing to a variety of characters, from Superman and Spider-Man to licensed characters like Barbie and Looney Tunes. Newspaper comic strips Todd has written and drawn include Speed Racer, Rat Fink, and Molly the Model. His illustrations have graced many CD covers, magazines, newspapers and ads. In 1985, Todd became Editor-in-Chief of Cracked magazine at age 23. Even more recently Todd has written and illustrated for the new Tales from the Crypt comic series, and completed new comic books featuring Lucy Hell, Devilgirl and Mr. Krime. With his long-time collaborator Cliff Mott, Todd has created and directed three new animated cartoons for Playboy.
John Megna 1952, actor, Little Boy - Star Trek (1 episode, "Miri", 1966).
Robert Duncan McNeill 1964, actor, Peter Wood - The Twilight Zone (segment "A Message from Charity") (1 episode, 1985), Kevin Corrigan - Masters of the Universe (1987), Greg Truesdale - Quantum Leap (1 episode, "Good Night, Dear Heart - November 9, 1957", 1990), Cadet First Class Nicholas Locarno - Star Trek: The Next Generation (1 episode, "The First Duty", 1992), Tom Paris - Star Trek: Voyager (170 episodes, 1995-2001), Commander Ellis Ward - The Outer Limits (1 episode, "The Human Factor", 2002).


1919, Master Tom, a prototype of Felix the Cat, debuted in a Paramount Pictures short entitled Feline Follies.
1966, Scenes of Kirk and the Gorn are filmed on location at Vasquez Rocks for TOS: "Arena".
1970, The PBC TV network begins airing the Sesame Street TV show in the USA.
1981, Filming begins for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The first scene filmed is Khan's meeting with Terrell and Chekov on Ceti Alpha VI.
1981, Blakes 7, 4th series Episode 7. "Assassin"
1987, Star Trek:TNG, "Justice" airs.
1994, Babylon 5 Episode 24 - "Revelations" first aired
1994, In Search of Dr. Seuss is aired.

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